FNJ Landscaping – Your Source For Quality South Holland IL Mulch – We Deliver – 219-258-8050

We stock an assortment of differently colored mulch available for delivery and installation. Mulch is beneficial and looks great for gardens, flower gardens, shrubs, tree beds and other areas of your residential or commercial property. In fact, South Holland IL Mulch is among the most beneficial things you can do for your landscaping! Basically, mulch provides a protective barrier for plant life and for open soil. This barrier can consist of decomposing organic materials like bark or wood chips, straw, and pine needles. Mulch can also be made of inorganics like plastic, river rocks, landscaping fabric and even recycled tires!

South Holland IL IL Mulch

Why South Holland IL Mulch is so beneficial:

Weed Control. Applying mulch limits the amount of weed growth that will spring up in your garden or around the base of trees and shrubs. Mulch serves as a buffer that limits how much sunlight finds its way to weeds.

Moisture Retention. Organic mulches absorb water and helps limit evaporation. Retaining moisture, particularly during hot seasons, not only helps out your plants but it can also help save on water use.

Inhibits Soil Erosion. Mulching not only retains existing water within the soil, it also keeps rain from washing away your top soil. It accomplishes this by “breaking the fall” of rain water and minimizing the force when the water strikes the ground.

Maintains Soil Nutrition. South Holland IL Mulch can release nutrients into the soil if you use an organic variety. This occurs as the organic material gradually decomposes over the soil.

The most appropriate mulch for your garden and yard needs depends on personal preference and your budget. Call the team at FNJ Landscaping and we can recommend which type of South Holland IL Mulch would be best for your needs!

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